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Selasa, 09 April 2019

Biology Task

Exercise on Chapter 3

1.    Explain the differences between mechanical digestion and chemical digestion.

Answer :

Mechanical digestion is process that changes food from rough form/big to be smoothor small.

Chemical digestion is process that is helpend by enzyme.

2.    Mention three enzymes produced in pancreas.

Answer :

Trypsin, amylase and lipase.

3.    Mention three types of teeth and each of their functions.

Answer :

Ø  Incisor has function to slice or cut food.

Ø  Canine has function to torn and tear food.

Ø  Premolar has function to slice and refine the food.

Ø  Molar has function to refine the food

4.    What is mean by peristaltic?

Answer :

Peristaltic contractions is a sequence of muscle contractions in the esophagus that pushes food into the stomach.

5.    Explain the nutrients needed by the body along with their sources.

Answer :

a.    Carbohydrate

Carbohydrates are a source of energy. Excess carbohydrates will be stored in the liver and muscle. Sources of carbohydrates are, for examples, rice, corn, sweet potatoes, potatoes, cassavas, sago, and bread. Lack of carbohydrates will cause the body to be thin and weak.

b.    Protein

The main functions of protein is for the formation of the body’s main structure, cell regeneration, and coordinates of biological in the body. Sources of protein are, for example, meat, fish, eggs, cheese, soybeans, peanuts, and green beans. Lack of protein can cause kwashiorkor disease in children and hunger edema in adults.

c.    Fat

     The main function of fat is as largest energy source, as solvent of vitamin A,D,E, and K, as food reservation that is stored under the skin, as protector of body inner organs. Sources of fat are, for examples, meat, butter, milk, eggs, fish oil, coconuts, candlenuts, peanuts, and avocado. Lack of fat can cause experiencing health problems.

d.    Vitamin

Vitamin is required by body in small amount, but it has important role for keeping body health.

Vitamin has several function, those are :

·         It has role in growth and development of cells.

·         Sustaning function of tissue to be normal.

·         As co-enzyme that has role as biocatalyst, that help accelerating reactions of substance in the body.

a)    Vitamin A

Vitamin A is found naturally in liver, fish oil, animal fat, egg yolk, and yellow vegetables. Vitamin A is needed to strengthen body immunity against ailments, and to keep the eyes and epithelium in good condition. Vitamin A deficiency can cause xerophthalmia, night-blindness, dry skin, and slow body development.

b)   Vitamin B

Vitamin B1 can be found in the outer layers of rice grains, green beans, green leafy vegetables, liver, meat, and milk. Vitamin B1 helps the body oxidize food the acquire energy. Vitamin deficiency can cause beriberi and neurodegeneration.

     Vitamin B2 is important in cellular respiration, keeping the corneas and nervous system in good condition, and improving the transfer stimulus (light) to the eyes nerves. A deficiency of vitamin B2 may cause cataracts, keratomalacia, blurry eyes, and lesions at the corner of the mouth. Sources of Vitamin B2 are liver, eggs, milk, and yeast.

     Vitamin B6 is found in eggs, meat, potatoes, cabbage. It helps the body to process proteins and is important in cellular respiration. A deficiency of vitamin B6 may cause anemia and pellagra.

     Vitamin B12 helps blood cell regenerations and is found in meat milk, and yeast. Vitamin B12 deficiency will cause pernicious anemia.

c)    Vitamin C

Vitamin C is important in the synthesis of collage the maintenance of epithelium, preventing nose and esophagus infections, and accelerating the productions of red blood cells. Vitamin C deficiency can also cause scury. Vitamin C is found in fresh green leafy vegetables and fruits, such as limes, papayas, tomatoes, and bananas.

d)   Vitamin D

Lack o vitamin D cam disrupt the bone by impeded growth and deformity. Sources of vitamin D are butter, milk, egg yolk, and fish oil.

e)    Vitamin E

Vitamin e is plays an important role in the reproductive system. Vitamin E deficiency and cause infertility. Vitamin E is found in cereal, vegetables, eggs, butter and milk.

f)   Vitamin K

      Vitamin K is vital for blood clotting, i.e he forming of prothombin  in the liver. Vitamin K also prevents miscarriage. Vitamin K deficiency can cause the inability of blood to clot. Sources of Vitamin K are green leafy vegetables, cereals, and liver.

e.    Dietary Minerals

Lack of mineral is called mineral deficiency. Examples of dietary minerals needed by the body are as follows :

1)   Calcium (Ca)

     Calcium plays an important role in forming the bones and teeth, activating thrombokinase, and is vital in muscle in cardiac contraction. Calcium (Ca) and phosphorus (p) deficiency will lead to cramps, bone disorders, and poor blood clotting. Sources of calcium are cereals, green leafy vegetables, milk, eggs, and fruits.

2)   Iron (Fe)

     Iron forms hemoglobin that is complement of red blood cells, which function circulate oxygen throughout the body. Iron deficiency will cause anemia. Sources of iron are, for example, liver, meat, green beans, green leafy vegetables, and rice.

3)   Iodine (I)

     Iodine is required in forming the thyroxin hormone produced in thyroid glands. Iodine deficiency can cause goiter. Iodine is addle to table salt to fulfill the daily need for iodine. Iodine is found in seafood, vegetables, milk and fruits.

4)   Phosphorus (P)

     Phosphorus in needed in bone growth and development. Sources of phosphorus are milk, eggs, meat, and beans.

5)   Potassium (K)

     Potassium affects heart contractions and helps to maintain water in cells control osmosis. Potassium also improves the work of nervous system. Sources of potassium are fish, bananas, potatoes, and green leafy vegetables.

6)   Sodium (Na)

     Sodium affects heartbeat and muscles contractions, helps in sending naturals neural impulses, and, together with chloride, keeps the body fluids in balance. Sodium deficiency can cause cramps. Sodium is found in table salt, cheese and green leafy vegetables.

7)   Fluorine (F)

     Fluorine is acquired from seafood, tea, plain water, and vegetables. Fluorine deficiency may cause fragile teeth.

8)   Chlorine

     Chlorine is found in table salt (NaCl). It helps to manage body fluid and cellular osmosis. It also needed to from hydrochloric acid (HCl) in the stomach.

f.     Water

     Water is the main component of protoplasm. The human body contains 60% of water. In the body, water has role of :

Ø  Dissolving nutrients and accelerating chemical reactions.

Ø  Carrying metabolic waste.

Ø  Carrying other bodily substances.

Ø  Forming body fluids.

Ø  Regulating body heads.

Lack of water Consumption may result in dehydration.

6.    Look at the picture of the digestive system below

a.    Write in the name of each numbered organ.

b.    In which organ does food absorption occur?

c.    Mention the enzymes produced by organ number 1.

Answer :

a.    1 : Stomach. 2 : Pancreas. 3 : Large intestine. 4 : Small intestine. 5 : Cecum. 6 : Liver. 7 : Bile

b.    4

c.    Pepsin and rennin.

7.    What are the functions of :

a.    Phosphorus (P)

b.    Iron (Fe)

c.    Potassium (K)

Answer :

a.    Phosphorus plays an important role in forming the bones and teeth, activating thrombokinase, and is vital in muscle in cardiac contraction.

b.    Iron forms hemoglobin that is complement of red blood cells, which function circulate oxygen throughout the body.

c.    Potassium affects heart contractions and helps to maintain water in cells control osmosis.

8.    What will happen if a person suffers a deficiency of :

a.    Protein

b.    Vitamin A

c.    Vitamin C

Answer :

a.    Lack of protein can cause kwashiorkor disease in children and hunger edema in adults.

b.    Vitamin A deficiency can cause xerophthalmia, night-blindness, dry skin, and slow body development.

c.    Vitamin C deficiency can cause bleeding duo to frail blood vessels. Vitamin C deficiency can also cause scury.

9.    What Factor Contribute To the digestion process in the mouth?


     The teeth, tongue, and salivary glands exist in the oral cavity. Teeth tear, scrape, grind and chew food so that easy to swallow. The tongue taste food, helps teeth mix and position the food, and helps to swallow and push food into the esophagus.

     There are three pairs and saliva gland in the mouth. Sight, smell, taste and thoughts of food are stimuli can that stimulate the production of saliva. Saliva is thick and greasy due to mucin and ptyalin enzymes, which are the main components of saliva.

10. Name some disorders that many occur in the human many digestive system.

Answer :

Microorganism above can cause disorders such as :

a.    Poisoning caused by Salmonella  infections known as salmonellasis.

b.    Poisoning caused by the toxin produced by Staphylococcus.

c.    Poisoning caused by the toxin produced by botulinum.

d.    Amoebic dysentery or intestinal amebiasis is an infections caused by protozoan Entamoeba histolytica.

In addition to the disease caused by microorganism, there are also other disorders and disease on digestive organs such as :

a.    Appendicitis

b.    Constipation

c.    Parotitis

d.    Xerostomia

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